Friday, September 13, 2013

And So It Begins....

It has been awhile since I last posted.  It is amazing how time flies once the school year begins!  I had such a good time decorating my room this year.  I am trying some new things that I found on pinterest (my obsession).  I hope you enjoy the pics!
This is a picture of my reading loft.  The kids love sitting in the loft and lounging in the beanbags while readings.  

This is the view from the hallway into my classroom.

This is my manners board.  Each week I will post a manner that we will be focussing on for the week.  I think that it is so important to teach the kids how to treat one another.
This is my calendar board and my "I Can's."

This is the work that my new student completed on Transition Day.  The kids created the aliens that are part of my hallway display.  The completed this sheet so that we could try to guess which alien was the once they created.  The parents loved this and it was great to already have student work up in the hallway on the first day of school.

This is my hallway display.

Check in/ out board

This is on the wall behind my desk.  There is a picture from each of my classes (minus my first class---still looking for the group picture).  

This picture is of me with two of my current students and a friend's child.  We were all matching!  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Well, here it is summer and I can't seem to stop thinking about next year and what I need to get accomplished over the summer.  Anyone that is an elementary teacher can identify with this I am sure.  Here are some things I hope to do this summer:
1. Update and continue updating this blog :)
2. Decide on colors for my bookshelves at school
3. Create more documents for my teacherspayteachers store
4. Design and create the decorations for hallway display (I am doing an alien/ outerspace display)
5. Redesign the layout of the furniture in my classroom
6. Revise my summative/ formative common core math assessments
7.  anything else that has left my mind for the time being

1. Home visits ???
2. Deep clean my classroom
3. Reorganize classroom
4. Continue designing the math curriculum
5. Paint classroom furniture
6. and much, much more :)

Whew- and it's already mid-June.  I better get a move on.