Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Say No to Bullying!

Today three girls from the Mason County High School FCCLA group came to our room to teach us about bullying.  They did a wonderful job!  Here are some of the things we learned:
Julia- "Don't be friends with bullies."
Wyatt- "If you are being bullied, or someone else is being bullied, go tell the teacher."
Izabella- "Whenever you see someone that is being bullied you should help them."
Abby- "If you think you have been bullied, go tell someone."
Isaac- " If you know someone is getting bullied, go tell someone even if they don't want you too."
Alexis- "Tell a grown-up if somebody is getting bullied."
Cameron- "When someone is bullying you- go tell the teacher, or they will keep bullying you."
Owen- "If you are being bullied, don't fight back with you hands.  Tell them to stop."
Karsen- "If you get bullied, tell the bully you don't want to be bullied anymore."
Lindsey- "Even if it is your friend that is the bully, you should tell your teacher."
Jaxson- "If you get punched, tell you teacher or someone you know."

We learned that you should stand up to bullies.  You should not fight back with your hands (physically), but you should let them know that bullying is wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy-
    I thought Id check out your blog.. I saw you were a new blogger( I am too) from your post over at Teaching First! I'm now following you! We newbies have to stick together!
    Good Luck!
    Miss S
    Just Teaching...Kindergarten
